Maitake “Philly Cheese Steaks”

I’ve recently started getting produce boxes from Misfits Market–that’s a delivery service that brings fresh organic fruit and vegetables right to my door. The luxury! It’s funny how excited I get on delivery day! Hmmm… maybe I need to get out more….

So I’m trying things I’ve never tried before. In my last box I received a small container of maitake mushrooms. I really didn’t know what to do with them, but then I saw that a friend [Hi Joy!] used her maitakes to make a sandwich, and I thought that was brilliant, so I put a Philly cheese steak spin on it, but I also wanted to use all whole foods, nothing overly processed. [Not this time anyway!]

If you’re interested in trying this,  I think you could use any mushroom, but the maitakes had a really nice texture.

I kept it very simple—I rough-chopped a green pepper, a red onion and the maitakes and water-sauteed them till they seared and tender. I added salt and pepper, and a slosh of vegan Worcestershire sauce–that’s all.


I didn’t have any fluffy rolls for it, but I had whole wheat wraps, so I used them.  Instead of cheese,  I spread on a layer of hummus. I know it sounds weird, but it’s lush and creamy.  If you’ve never made a grilled “cheese” sandwich with hummus, try it!

So first a layer of hummus, then because I couldn’t help myself, I added some kale. I have to blatantly add greens whenever I can, then I layered on the veg and maitakes.


And on top of that, I drizzled a touch of tahini over it all to give it that extra feel of creaminess and an extra sprinkle of salt. Then it all went into the Griddler until it was hot all the way through and the outside was golden and crispy. Check it out.


It was amazing how satisfying this was—-all good healthy ingredients, and it tasted incredible!